Friday, 22 July 2011

Special Food to Make you Lose Weight

Here are the 3 new ways that I have found to kill your hunger and hence start losing weight. Try these out and let me know your thoughts on these.
  1. More oats please. Oats have special kind of filling fiber compound known as beta glucan which promotes your body to release something called CCK (you do not need to know more about this chemical). CCK is a hunger suppressing hormone. So eat your oats. Any from would do apart from the creamy ones.
  2. Beans are the perfect food. I have said it in the past. B for beans and B for best food item available (ok, I admit, that did not rhyme at all).Beans have a special kind of fiber protein balance which makes you feel full for longer. Plus, a Spanish study has found out that it also increases your metabolism.
  3. Eggs are good. Yes they are good. They are super rich in protein.It is best that you eat their whites only but as a whole even, they are very very healthy. It has been shown in a recent research done in UK that eggs help you control your hunger for up to 36 hours. Which is a lot.

Food to Kill your Hunger

Today I am going to list 3 foods you least likely thought would help you lose weight. I might have mentioned these before but I am going to give you recently found benefits of eating these foods. So here we go.
  1. Potatoes, is one food item that has got a lot of bad name for making people fat. But new research has found out that it is not the case. Obviously, it is the case when you keep on eating french fries. The oil in those can make you fat in no time. The potatoes do not make you fat. White or sweet, potatoes have this special kind of starch that can make you feel full for longer and people who eat potatoes are likely to eat 320 calories less per day than people who don’t.
  2. Seafood. Another class of food items about which people do not have sufficient knowledge. Not all seafood contains high amounts of bad cholesterol. In fact, fish has essential omega 3 fats which keep you full for way way longer than traditional sources of meat. Also fish eaters compared with beef eaters suffer far less hunger. They also end up eating 72 calories less in their next meal, a research has found out.
  3. Nuts. Time for you to go a little nuts I say to people who want to know more about diet foods. The wonderful combination of fiber, protein and fats in nuts give you satiety and make you eat less throughout the day. Apart from that, nuts also increase your metabolism by 10 percent.

Weight Loss Mistake

I can’t remember for how many years health authorities have been trying to tell us that smoking is bad and poses much health risks. Despite the warnings, some people, especially young adults smoke to lose weight.
Don’t know where they got this idea from, but I tell you what. It is completely wrong.
Nicotine has been shown to be a appetite suppressant but the side effects of smoking far outweigh any health benefits that smoking might give you.
Smoking damages almost every part of your body. It decreases your health condition and puts you at risk of death. It damages the heart, the lungs, causes cardiovascular problems and other respiratory problems.
In fact, smoking actually makes you gain weight especially in the beginning when you are trying to kick the addictive habit.
So despite what anyone tells you, do not smoke. For any reason, least of all for weight loss

3 More 100 Calorie Snacks You Can Feel Good About

More ways you can keep fit, lose weight and keep hunger at bay. Here are 3 more snacks which are under low calories and more than that, are packed full with nutrients that your body desperately needs every single day of your life.
  1. Ever heard of square oats. Of course you have, but I bet these are not a regular in your daily diet. People who love to have cereal in their breakfast, should definitely try this one out and leave out the milk when they are on a diet. What you do is really simple. First, buy dry square oats cereal. Put 1/3 cup in baggies and then take them with you in office or your workplace wherever it may be. The best part is that these are super low calorie food and are super low in saturated fat. It is almost zero percent. You can do this with any whole grain cereal. Just be sure to stay away from sweetened varieties.
  2. Don’t associate grapes with just wine. These are filled with water and that means, a whole cup of grapes has only 62 calories. Is it not super low or what. Since they are full of water, they give you the feeling of being full and also keep your body hydrated. Grapes are also rich in vitamin k and manganese. They also have some fiber if the previous qualities were not enough. They are convenient to use as you can eat grapes raw fresh or frozen. Your choice.
  3. Pinwheel of Salmon. For a creative snack of under 60 calories. Spread 1 tablespoon on low fat cream cheese onto a slice of smoked salmon (some may call it a lox). Roll it up and you have yourself a snack high in protein and in heart healthy omega 3 fatty acids. It is a bit high in sodium (as that is used to cure salmon). If you can bare with a little less cream cheese than you can have 2 of these under 100 calories.

Tomatoes and weight loss?

First off. Tomato is a fruit and not a vegetable. A lot of people confuse this but it is a fruit. Anyway. This fruit contains lots of Vitamic C (which is pretty useful if you are having a flu) and citrimalicoxalic acids which give a vital boost to your metabolism.
The best thing about eating tomatoes is that, they help the kidneys to get rid of large amounts of fats inside your body which makes you thin and a lot less heavy.
As with any wonder food tomatoes are low on calories (about 32 in an average sized tomato) and have high quantities of fiber. Thus tomatoes help you in your digestive system and help you to lose weight.
There are lots of ways to eat tomatoes apart from eating it raw. You can slice them up, use them in your salads and in your curries of all sorts.
I know it is hard to eat healthy all the time. But, when you are trying to lose some weight, then there is no choice but to eat healthy most of the time if not all the time.

Weight Loss: The No-Diet Approach

Introduction to weight loss

Whether you are trying to lose 5 pounds or more than 50, the same principles determine how much weight you lose and how fast your weight loss will occur. Remembering the following simple guidelines and putting them into practice can lead to weight loss without the aid of any special diet plans, books, or medications.
Our body weight is determined by the amount of energy that we take in as food and the amount of energy we expend in the activities of our day.Energy is measured in calories. If your weight remains constant, you are probably taking in the same amount of calories that you burn each day. If you're slowly gaining weight over time, it is likely that your caloric intake is greater than the number of calories you burn through your daily activities.
Everyone is in control of the amount of food he or she consumes each day, so our intake of calories is something we can control. To a major degree, we can also control our output of energy, or the number of calories we burn each day. The number of calories we burn each day is dependent upon
  • our basal metabolic rate (BMR), the number of calories we burn per hour simply by being alive and maintaining body functions
  • and our level of physical activity.
For some people, due to genetic (inherited) factors or other conditions, the resting metabolic rate (BMR) can be slightly higher or lower than average. Our weight also plays a role in determining how many calories we burn at rest -- the morecalories are required to maintain your body in its present state, the greater your body weight. A 100-pound person requires less energy (food) to maintain body weight than a person who weighs 200 pounds.
Lifestyle and work habits partially determine how many calories we need each day. Someone whose job involves heavy physical labor will naturally burn more calories in a day than someone who sits at a desk most of the day (a sedentary job). For people who do not have jobs that require intense physical activity, exercise or increased physical activity can increase the number of calories burned.
As a rough estimate, an average woman 31-50 years of age who leads a sedentary lifestyle needs about 1,800 calories per day to maintain a normal weight. A man of the same age requires about 2,200 calories. Participating in a moderate level of physical activity (exercising three to five days per week) requires about 200 additional calories per day.

Some tips and tricks to become smart


Once you have mustered the motivation to begin a fitness program, you will want to look for ways to make this healthy change a permanent part of your lifestyle. Making fitness a healthy habit can be as simple as writing down your achievements.

Maintaining a diet and fitness journal has been proven to be the number one motivator for helping you succeed with your goals. Writing down everything you eat and drink and all of your activities each day will help you track your progress as you move toward your fitness goals. So, what are your fitness goals and why are you participating in a fitness program?

The desire to build a better body may be all you need to inspire you to begin a diet and exercise program. Women’s fitness plans like Fitness4Her offer inspiration with interesting stories, helpful tips and diets to help you get started. But the inspiration to help you get started usually comes from your own heart, mind or soul.

A flat tummy is very sexy and often admired by many but as women age, it often takes some work to achieve that look. It takes a healthy low-fat diet and an active exercise program to produce the results of a firm flat tummy and a toned tushie.

If you really want to make goal setting and achievement work for you, consider daily affirmations to set your mind in action. If you have ever used visualization techniques then you already know how much power your mind can have over your actions. Affirmations work the same way, they are powerful words that give precise instructions to your mind.
 Oftentimes women will ask me the question…
“What is the best diet plan or exercise program for women to use in order to lose weight?” I hesitate when presented with this challenge because no two people are alike. What works for one woman may or may not work for everyone. The truth is, a temporary diet plan may work temporarily. Just like crash diets, a method of eating that requires you to cut back on calories for a short time will produce results the same way… for a short time.
The same is true when it comes to exercise. Going for a two-mile hike one day and not exercising again for the following three weeks, does not constitute an active exercise program. In order for exercise programs to work for your body, you must be an active participant. Like a healthy diet—exercise must become part of your life.
Ladies, once you begin thinking of it this way, you will assure your success because your diet, and exercise program will become a natural part of who you are rather than just something that you are doing.
A healthy nutritious diet and an active exercise program have been proven to help women reach their desired weight. But the best results are achieved by those women who consistently stick to their diet and exercise and who maintain a journal to record their results.
I’m asked quite frequently about the ideal diet and exercise program for women. I pause at the question and take a moment to consider the person asking. That’s because many women are looking for a diet and exercise plan that can help them lose weight quickly. In other words they are searching for a quick fix that can help them take off some unwanted pounds in a hurry.
These are the same women who train for a marathon and then as soon as they reach their intended goal, give up and give in to their old way of life. Many times, they do this at the detriment of injuries from pushing a body that was not properly conditioned for competition.
Remember when it comes to your health and fitness, the way you eat and your level of activity become part of your lifestyle rather than just a diet that you subscribe to, or a rigorous two mile jog that you force your body to perform. Once you begin thinking of fitness as a way of life, you will assure your success because fitness will become a major part of who you are rather than just something that you are doing.
You will begin to look at food differently. It will no longer be the enemy or a secret liaison whose pleasure is prohibited by light of day. Food will become the answer to losing weight and improving your health. Healthy food that is nutritious and delicious.
Just as you didn’t adapt bad habits over night, it may take a little time to get used to eating healthier. The important thing is to acknowledge where you need to make changes and gradually work toward those goals. Try not to exchange one unhealthy habit for another. Don’t cut back on fat only to increase your sugar intake, don’t give up your favorite soda and eat a candy bar in its place. Instead choose foods that are naturally sweet, high in protein and low in saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol.
If you are ready to see real results in your new women’s fitness lifestyle, begin keeping a fitness journal. It’s a proven fact that women, who keep a journal of everything they eat and drink and all of their activity, have a far greater chance of losing weight and sticking to an exercise plan than those women who do not. The fitness journal keeps you accountable for your lifestyle. By writing everything down, it becomes easier to determine how much and what type of food you are eating and how much exercise you need to help you lose weight or gain weight. In other words, a journal puts you firmly in control and back in the driver’s seat so you can steer towards your fitness goals.
Begin each day with the affirmation that you are eating healthy foods. Repeat to yourself that you will only eat foods that provide substantial nutrition to your body. Proclaim your enthusiasm for exercise and its health benefits. Believe in what you say, treasure your body and be thankful for your health. The sad thing is that we seldom appreciate our health until it is gone. We don’t know what a wonderful thing we have until it is something we can no longer attain.
Start making changes today; don’t put it off any longer. Imagine never having to worry about losing weight again. It is possible, when you change the way you look at living. A healthy lifestyle that includes a nutritious diet and an active exercise program makes it easy to maintain your weight and fitness. Once you start living it, benefits like a healthy, strong and beautiful body make it a lifestyle you will cherish.

Supplement burns muscle fat, improves exercise performance

A new study has shown for the first time that taking a particular food supplement increases muscle carnitine content and reduces muscle carbohydrate use, while increasing fat used for energy production during exercise.

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Researchers at The University of Nottingham’s School of Biomedical Sciences found that recreational athletes who took a dietary supplement containing L-carnitine — a nutrient found in common food sources — combined with carbohydrates showed several metabolism benefits during low- and high-intensity exercise and improved exercise performance.
Professor Paul Greenhaff, Professor of  Metabolism at Nottingham and lead author of the research, said: “This is the first study in healthy humans showing that muscle L-carnitine content can be influenced by dietary means, and that L-carnitine plays a dual role in skeletal muscle fuel metabolism during exercise that is dependent on exercise intensity.”
Previous studies indicated human muscle does not respond to dietary L-carnitine supplements. This new research shows that taking an L-carnitine and carbohydrate supplement alters muscle fuel use, reduces lactic-acid build-up (which causes fatigue) and improves exercise performance.
L-carnitine plays a critical part in energy metabolism. It shuttles long-chain fatty acids into the cells’ mitochondria where they are broken down for energy generation, as well as maintaining muscle carbohydrate oxidation and offsetting lactate production during intense exercise.
The Nottingham research showed that combining L-carnitine supplements with a carbohydrate supplement increased muscle carbohydrate content by about 20 per cent via an insulin-dependent mechanism. During low-intensity exercise, 50 per cent less muscle carbohydrate was used indicating that muscle fat was favoured for fuel instead. During high-intensity exercise, muscle carbohydrate oxidation was increased and lactic-acid accumulation reduced.
Collectively, these metabolic effects resulted in a reduced perception of effort and increased work output during a validated exercise performance test. “Most L-Carnitine studies to date have been focused on cardiac-based research, not skeletal muscle,” Professor Greenhaff added. “These findings should spur a fresh round of research in this area.” 
The Nottingham research is published in the Journal of Physiology (589.4 (2011) pp 963-973). Novel technology arising from this research is protected by patent application WO/2004/082674 owned by The University of Nottingham, pending in Europe and North America, and granted in Australia.
In the randomised double-blind study conducted by the University’s School of Biomedical Sciences at Nottingham’s Medical School, 14 healthy male volunteers with an average age of 25.9 years and a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 23 performed exercise tests.
One involved 30 minutes of cycling at 50 per cent of the maximum oxygen use capacity (VO2 max), and another involved 30 minutes at 80 per cent VO2 max. Then they each did a 30-minute work output performance trial. This happened on three visits each separated by 12 weeks and muscle biopsies were obtained at rest and following each bout of .
After the first visit, the 14 men consumed either 80g of carbohydrate, or 2g of L-carnitine-L-tartrate in the form of Carnipure™ manufactured by Swiss food-grade L-Carnitine supplier Lonza Ltd combined with 80g of  twice daily for 24 weeks. Carnipure™ is easily integrated into dietary supplements and functional foods and beverages.
Muscle total carnitine (TC) increased by 21 per cent in the carnitine group after six months supplementation and was unchanged in the control group.
The Clinical Translational Research work of Professor Greenhaff and his team is just one example of world-leading investigations into human physiology at Nottingham. Recently, the University established Research and Knowledge Transfer Priority Groups as areas of key focus supporting its delivery of research excellence.
Provided by University of Nottingham


Weight Loss Improve Your Health

Do not make the mistake of skipping meals and breakfast to lose weight. Doctors suggest three regular small meals and two between snacks.

Now days many people are interested in weight loss tricks and weight loss programs. To days life styles and lack of exercise have contributed to a normal trend toward carrying around an extra pounds. A disciplined weight of proper loss plan can prove very useful to many people who don’t have any idea of how to create a weigh loss diet.

There are many so many ways available to help you sli9m a pounds and fit into the fit clothes. To Losing weight is not something can do overnight. A useful planned weight loss program requires common sense and proper guidelines. There is a lot of miss information floating around and lots of people are easily duped and ripped off.

The experts now recommend that people who want to lose weight start increasing their physical activity. To being more active in general such as simple exercise and climbing the stairs instead of taking the elevator, moving around instead of sitting still, sitting up instead of lying down as well as showing excitement and enthusiasm instead of your boredom these are the things that effectively burn your calories and reduce your extra body fat.

A balanced living style of good and proper nutrition and regular exercise will help you to achieve your weight loss aims. There are some people seek fast weight loss while others would like to gradually thin down for health reasons.

To take advantage of the information and help now available nowadays to help you achieve your weight loss goals. And its give you a proper guild line.

Fun Fat Burning Exercise for Women

As quietly as its kept, you wouldn’t know that men and women obsess equally about their body woes. Guys tend take the less emotional route, opting instead for day-long journeys to the local gym, while women just kind of shy away from the entire process, content with self-doubt rather than donning a pair of sweat pants where the entire world can see her wobbly bits!
While retail therapy has been known as a great way to burn fat, we suggest a bit more umm….activity than this.
Well, we at TFLA realize that the fairer sex needs just as much information on losing weight and burning fat as the guys and we’ve compiled some of the best fat burning exercises for women. At the end of this article, you’ll have an arsenal of fat burning techniques to take you to your pre-baby, undergrad, or wedding dress weight!
Fat burning exercises alone will not help you lose weight. The reason many women don’t lose weight when they exercise is because they don’t alter their diets. Without a significant change in how you eat, the only thing these exercises will help you do is maintain your current weight, and improve your overall health!
Before we begin, let’s take stock of a few fat burning essentials. You’ll need proper exercise attire, including athletic shoes that provide support. Grab a bottle of water and a towel and you’re ready to go.
I know, it sounds absolutely awful but jogging is an easy and cheap fat burning exercise. Everything you need is already at your fingertips; shoes, water, towel, and places to jog! The great thing about jogging is that is better on the knees than running, and it’s a great cardiovascular exercise that gets your heart pumping and gives your metabolism a swift kick in the pants!
Avoid injury by stretching for at least 10 minutes before you begin. This will also give you time to focus on breathing, which is essential to a proper workout. Stretch your hamstrings, arms, calves, and quadriceps. In addition to avoiding injury, this will give your muscles a warm up to the main event….a way to prepare them for the rigorous workout ahead.
Start slowly if you need to, walking for a week to gear up for jogging or running. If you feel comfortable starting out with a jog, start with about 30 minutes. Don’t try to be Superwoman and run 2 miles your first time out. As awesome as that sounds (and probably would be) it’ll just wipe you out so that you only get one day of exercise this week! Fat burning, like just about everything related to losing weight, requires consistency to be effective.
Like with most things, men and women find different ways to obsess over their weight & fat content. At least this isn’t how you respond to the need to drop a few pounds…phew!
That’s right ladies, exercising and burning fat can be effective and fun. When was the last time you saw a dancer with too much fat? Exactly! In addition, dancing is a fun fat burning exercise you can do with your friends! Invite the girls for a night of salsa dancing and see how fun fat burning can be!
Whether you choose strip-aerobics, belly dancing, swing, hip hop, or disco, dancing is a fun and effective way to burn that extra fat. Sign up for a dance class if you dread doing an hour on the treadmill in front of what I’m pretty sure is a funhouse mirror!
Imagine how awesomely show-offable your abs would be after learning this!
Not quite ready to show your moves in public? Crank up your favorite playlist and do your best impression of Britney, Paula, or Madonna in your living room!
You don’t have to be a tennis pro to enjoy the fat burning benefits of tennis. Grab a spouse or grab a friend, get your racket and get thee to the nearest tennis court! Just keep the ball in play and the cardio will help you burn calories while swinging the racket will help tone those abs. That’s what I like to call a win-win!
You can take breaks for water as you need them, and you’ll have another reason to go shopping when your current tennis skirt gets too big!
I remember when I was a kid (not that long ago) girls would jump rope for hours on end. Alone, together, in groups, they were always jumping rope. Turns out those girls were having fun and burning fat. The best thing about jumping rope to lose fat is that you can do it at home. Clear some space in the living room or take to the backyard for your daily workout.
If you don’t have a jump rope, “borrow” one from your kids! Just kidding, spend a few bucks on a weighted jump rope for a more efficient fat burning workout. Fifteen minutes of jumping rope can burn more than 200 calories, so imagine the possibilities if you jumped rope 30 minutes a day, 3 days a week? Admit it, you’re smiling already!
Exercising, while definitely an obligation, doesn’t have to be a chore. If you’re having fun with your physical activity, you’re more likely to keep it up. The best thing about these fun fat burning exercises for women, is that you can grab a partner and chat (but not too much) while you burn.
Stay consistent with your frequency, that’s the key to successful weight loss and fat burning, but feel free to try different things. Go jogging one week, and dancing the next and see what you like best.
Just remember that weight loss requires consistent exercise, a can-do attitude, and eating for weight loss!
For more information on weight loss and fat burning exercises, check out our review of the Fat Burning Furnace.

71 Weight Loss Tips That Really Work Reaserch by Sadia Hanif

We suggest printing out each page and hanging them on your fridge, desk or other prominent place.

Get Moving  

The tough part with exercise, of course, is getting out there and doing it. Here's how the successful get going:

1. Prioritize.  
The beds might not get made, but Amy Reed, 36, still makes time for exercise. That's how she's kept off more than 80 pounds for 13 years. "I have to schedule it in and let go of other things -- like a perfectly clean house," she says.

2. Find a passion.  
"I have a dance background and when I found jazzercise, I said, 'Thank God.' If somebody told me I had to go out and run five days a week, I'd still weigh 185 pounds," says Anne Geren, 41, who lost 55 pounds and has kept it off for 13 years.

3. Keep an Exercise Log.   
It makes you more accountable. Norma from Dallas, TX, who hangs hers on the refrigerator, checks off six workouts a week dutifully. "If I miss one day, I make that my day off for the week."

4. Set a Goal.   
Sign up for some fun runs and try to improve your times. "I went from a 5-K to a 4-miler, then a 5-miler, then a 10-K. As I was building miles and speed, I was getting fitter and losing more weight," says Therese Revitt, 42, who lost 80 pounds and recently ran a marathon.

5. Get Pumped.  
"It wasn't until I put on more muscle through resistance training that I was able to keep the weight off -- almost effortlessly," says Verona Mucci-Hurlburt, 37, who went from a size 18 to an 8. The reason? Muscle burns more calories around the clock.

Eat Smart  

6. Make changes for the long haul.   
"I learned how to eat and live with it for the rest of my life," says Barbara Miltenberger, 42, who lost more than 40 pounds and hasn't seen any come back in three years.

7. Stop dieting.   
"The best thing I did was quit dieting," says Reed. "I'd always find ways to cheat. So instead, I stopped forbidding myself certain foods and just started eating less of them."

8. Get a grip on reality.   
"When I started keeping a food diary, I discovered that I was eating somewhere between 3,000 and 4,000 calories a day," says Rebecca, 46, who found the number shocking.

9. Eat minimeals.   
Having smaller, more frequent meals can prevent you from getting ravenously hungry and overeating. On average, weight loss winners eat five times a day.

10. Follow the 90% to 10% rule.   
"If you watch what you eat 90% of the time, the other 10% is not a problem," says Mucci-Hurlburt, who learned this tip from a fitness professional.

11. Dine at the dinner table only.   
If you eat in front of the TV, then every time you nestle in with the remote control, it's a cue to eat. Instead, designate an eating spot for all meals and snacks. "Even when I want potato chips, I set the table just like I was going to sit down for a full course meal," says Kathy Wilson, 47, who took off more than 100 pounds. "I put a handful of chips on the plate, put the bag away, and then sit down to eat. I never just stand at the counter and eat now."

12. Think before you bite.   
Creating rituals -- like Wilson did or the old standby of waiting 10 minutes before giving into a craving -- can stop you from eating when you really aren't hungry. "Nine chances out of 10 the chips go back in the cupboard, and I just walk away," says Wilson.

13. Drink up.   
"Drinking lots of water keeps me from snacking when I'm not hungry, and it gives me more energy," says Revitt. "It also stopped what I thought were hunger headaches, which were probably due to dehydration. "

Set Yourself Up for Success  

14. Do it for yourself.   
"My doctor told me for years that I had to take the weight off. But you've got to want it yourself," says Wilson. "As long as somebody else is pushing you, no matter what you do or what you try, it'll never work," adds Victoria Bennett, 39, who shed 60 pounds and has kept them off for five years.

15. Take it slow.   
We all want to lose it yesterday, but slow is the way to go if you don't want to see those pounds again. "It took me a year to lose 100 pounds this time," says Rebecca, who's kept it off for eight years. "I had lost 100 pounds twice before, in less than six months each time, but I didn't maintain it."

16. Customize your approach.   
What worked for your best friend may not work for you. And what works for you today may not work six months from now. You need to decide what you need. Mucci-Hurlburt joined a structured program for accountability. "I needed to know that I was going to get weighed each week," she says. But for others that's exactly what they don't need.

17. Learn from the past.   
Everyone we talked to had tried to lose weight before. Part of their success this time was that they learned from past failures. "Before, the more I focused on weighing, measuring, and preparing food, the more I ate," says Wilson, who finally succeeded with a program that offered prepackaged foods.

18. Set small goals.   
"My first goal was to lose only 10 pounds," says Rebecca. "I had very high blood pressure, and my doctor said if I would just lose 10 pounds, he believed that I could get off the pills. Every other doctor before said I had to lose 100 pounds, and I thought 'I can't do that.' But 10 pounds, I thought 'maybe I can do that.' Doing it one bite at a time made it more achievable for me."

19. Make changes you can live with.   
"Before I'd go to bed I'd ask myself, 'Is what I did today something I could do for the rest of my life?' If I felt deprived, I'd do it differently tomorrow. If I thought, 'Yeah, I could do this tomorrow,' then I was on the right track," says Revitt

Control Portions  

20. Go back to school.   
Joining a weight loss class or working with a dietitian can help you learn proper portions, even without weighing and measuring. "If you get a half cup of cottage cheese, it should look like a tennis ball, a quarter cup should look like a Ping-Pong ball," says Wilson. "Now, I know what appropriate portions look like."

21. Don't toss those measuring cups, though.   
"I usually misjudge portions of salad dressing, mayonnaise, and ice cream," says Revitt. "They're really high in fat and calories and cause the most damage if overdone. So I still measure them."

22. Cook for your family, not an army.   
Even for low-fat foods like grilled chicken, Bennett stopped overfeeding her family of four. "I stopped making six or seven breasts, thinking that everybody had to have two or three," she says. "Now I make just one for each person."

Take Some Cooking Lessons  

23. Plan ahead.   
An empty fridge after a stressful day begs for pizza. The now-slender crew doesn't leave meals to chance. Many of them plan their menus a week or more in advance. Others even cook ahead, freezing meals for the week in individual containers.

24. A little dab will do it.   
If you just can't pass on some high-fat favorites, stick to the most flavorful ones. "A single slice of bacon is enough to flavor eggs or a potato," says Helen Fitzgerald, 61, who lost about 51 pounds. Her husband's lost more than 150 pounds.

25. Fake fry.   
Try"frying" with calorie-free cooking sprays instead of oil. Spray sliced potatoes and roast them in the oven for french fries that taste fried without the fat, suggests Miltenberger.

26. Stock frozen veggies.   
With pasta or stir-fry sauces, they are diet saviors. "I've been known to eat a whole bag of vegetables -- and with only a quarter cup of sauce, it's only about 3 grams of fat," says Mucci-Hurlburt. "It's saved my butt many times when I was really hungry and had to eat now."

27. Flavor up.   
Rice, beans, and other cooked grains are the staples of many successful dieters. For variety, Fitzgerald cooks them in different liquids -- tomato juice, apple juice, beef or chicken stock. "Rice done in pineapple juice is especially good for rice puddings and Chinese dishes," she says.

Don't Go It Alone  

28. Find the right support person.   
A nag won't do. Neither will a partner in crime. Look for someone who can empathize and support you in a positive way. When Reed finally succeeded in losing weight, her fiance was a big help. "We didn't focus all our socializing around food. We went bike riding a lot and played tennis instead of going for pizza."

29. Join a support group.   
"Hearing someone say she lost 50 pounds would be real motivating," says Revitt. "I'd think, 'She's just a normal person like me. If she can lose 50 then I can do it too.'"

30. Create your own group.   
"I started my first women's group when I first started exercising. It was just a bunch of women that got together once a week, and we would compare notes," says Debra Mazda, 44, who's 135 pounds slimmer than she was 13 years ago.

Don't Boycott Dining Out  

31. Be picky.   
"I'm not afraid to ask for dishes to be prepared differently," says Bennett. "My philosophy is that every restaurant has a grill and an oven. They don't have to fry everything."

32. It's not the Last Supper.   
This is not your last chance in life to have a particular food. "Those french fries will be there in a half hour if I really have to have them," says Mucci-Hurlburt. Or they'll be there next week.

33. Don't wait to doggy bag.   
"As soon as the waitress puts the food down in front of me I cut the whole portion in half, put it on my butter plate, and ask her to wrap it," says Revitt. If you wait until the end of your meal, oftentimes you pick at it until the waitress returns.

34. Tackle buffets.   
"I get only one tablespoon of everything," says Rebecca. "Usually I don't even fill my plate, but I at least taste everything so I don't feel deprived."

Deliver Yourself from Temptation  

35. Stay busy.   
Do something that's not conducive to eating. The folks we talked to aren't sitting around thinking of hot fudge sundaes. They're singing in choirs, taking classes, running marathons, leading weight loss groups, and more.

36. Keep 'em out of sight.   
Overwhelmingly, weight loss vets control foods like chocolate, ice cream, and potato chips by not having them around. "It's easier to fill the house with treats for my kids that I don't like such as Oreo cookies," says 30 year old Tammy Hansen, who trimmed off 60 pounds.

37. Moderation is key.   
But they're not depriving themselves, either. "If I want a piece of cake, I'll have one," says Mazda. "Then I just won't have another one for a week or so. Knowing that I can eat something and no one's going to say 'you can't' works for me."

38. Indulge and enjoy!   
Go for the best brand of ice cream or the best cut of steak. "If I'm going to blow 500 or 600 calories, I want to make sure that I'm enjoying it to the max," says Mucci-Hurlburt. "Often desserts look much better than they taste. If it tastes like cardboard, forget it. It's not worth it."

39. Limit portions.   
"When I have to snack, I put my hand in the bag or box and whatever I can grab, that's what I eat -- only a handful," says Fitzgerald.

40. Buy individually packaged snacks.   
Cookies, chips, even ice cream come in single serving sizes. "If I want some cookies or chips, I grab one little bag instead of a whole box," says Reed.

41. Keep reminders around.   
A note on the refrigerator reading "Stop" kept Reed from raiding it. Underneath she listed other things to do, like "take a drink of water" and questions such as"Are you really hungry?"

42. Find alternatives.   
Chocolate is still a favorite even for successful dieters. But they've found ways to enjoy it and still keep their waistlines. Bennett makes fat-free chocolate pudding with skim milk. For Sarah, who lost 40 pounds and has kept it off for two years, a cup of sugar-free hot cocoa (about 20 calories), topped with a little fat-free whipped cream does the trick.

43. Don't give in to peer pressure.   
If the cookies, chips, or ice cream you buy for the rest of the family is sabotaging your efforts, stop buying it. "My daughters carried on for about a month, but after that they got used to the change," says Bennett.

Escape Emotional Eating  

44. Know your triggers.   
You have to know which moods send you to the cookie jar before you can do anything about it. Once you know your triggers, have a list of alternate things to do when the mood strikes. "When I get tired or discouraged, I get an 'I don't care attitude,'" says Rebecca. For those times, taking a walk or reading affirmations can help.

45. Quiz yourself.   
Determine if you're really hungry or eating for other reasons. "I'll ask myself 'Do you really want this, or is it something else, like boredom or depression?' About 80% of the time it's not hunger," says Geren.

46. Call a friend.   
Talking about what's eating you can keep you from eating. "I had to be willing to call my support people at 9 o'clock on a Friday night," says Barbara, 46, who's kept off 46 pounds for more than 15 years.

47. Stop worrying.   
Remind yourself that you only have control over you -- not your spouse, boss, parents, or friends. If you can't do anything about it, just let it go, several people suggested.

48. Take an emotional inventory.   
Ask yourself: "What do you feel guilty about? resent? fear? regret? What are you angry about?" Then deal with it, says Barbara. Confront the person involved, talk to others, or write a letter -- even if you don't send it.

49. Get spiritual.   
If religion isn't for you, try yoga, meditation, or relaxation exercises. These are especially helpful if you tend to eat when you're stressed, says Barbara.

50. Challenge the power of food.   
Ice cream is a poor companion if you're lonely. "If I eat the whole bag of chocolate chip cookies, am I going to be any happier? Probably not," says Wilson

Blast Off a Plateau  

51. Up the ante   
"I started out walking, and eventually tried running, which was the key to my success," says Revitt. "I couldn't even make it around one lap (1/26 of a mile) in the beginning, but it was just enough to make the weight loss continue."

52. Go back to basics.   
"I'd go back to more strict measuring because you can sneak away from reasonable portions and start fooling yourself," says Mucci-Hurlburt.

53. Stop starving yourself.   
"As soon as I saw the weight coming off, I thought, 'If it's working at this rate, I'll try eating less so I'll lose more,'" admits Miltenberger. "Then I'd stall or even put weight on because I was undereating and my metabolism slowed. I'd start losing again when I'd eat a little bit more."

54. Look how far you've come.   
"By keeping a graph of my weight, I could see that the line would go up and down and up and down, but overall it was going down, so there was no reason to throw my progress away," says Rebecca.

Stay Motivated  

55. Don't give up.   
"There are plenty of times when I've wanted to give up, but I didn't," says Mazda. "I realized a long time ago that entrepreneurs fall and rise up every time they lose a venture, but they just keep getting up." The same is true for weight loss.

56. "You can do it.  
" Repeat this to yourself. Many people post affirmations around their homes or offices as constant reminders. One dieter even programmed her computer screen to keep her on the right track.

57. Get inspired.   
"I read a lot about other people who have come back from obstacles and really made it," says Mazda. Their determination can make you feel like you can succeed too.

58. Envision your svelte self.   
"If you can actually visualize yourself as the person you want to be, you'll become it," says Wilson. "When I felt like I couldn't do this one more minute, I slipped in a motivational tape. Step by step, it would walk me through a visualization exercise so I could see myself as I wanted to be."

59. Find new measures of success.   
When she lost some weight, trying on her old, too-big clothes further motivated Miltenberger. "I also bought myself a size below what I was wearing," she says. "I'd see if I could get the pants on, then if I could zip them, and finally when I could wear them comfortably

Feel Good About Yourself  

60. Learn to like your trouble spots.  
Peggy Malecha, who's lost about 75 pounds, dresses in a black leotard and, standing in front of a mirror, she points out everything about herself that she doesn't like. Then she counters that. For instance, "I hate my legs, but they work," she says. "I can walk and dance. I have no control over the way they look, so it's silly to obsess over them. Don't dwell on it."

61. Pamper yourself.  
Take baths and get massages, facials, manicures, and pedicures. "They make me look good and feel good," says Mazda.

62. Stop negative talk.  
"If you make positive speech a long-term goal and stop using 'I was bad (or good) today,' you'll begin to feel better about yourself," says Mazda.

63. Don't compare yourself to others.  
Instead, think "I'm better or just as good as anyone else is. Once you start thinking that about yourself, believe me, you get real cocky," says Mazda.

64. Look in the mirror and say, "I look good."  
You may not believe it now, but you will. "When I first started this, I avoided mirrors," says Bennett. "I never wanted to go into a dressing room, so I'd get various sizes, take them home, and then try them on. If they didn't fit, then I took them back. But now I'll look in every mirror

Be Realistic 

 65. Stay flexible.  
Many people who have kept the weight off never reached their initial goal weights. Instead, they've gotten to a realistic weight that they can maintain. "In 13 years, I've never gotten down to my initial goal weight, but I'm very happy and feel very good even though I didn't reach it," says Reed.

66. Quit the numbers game.  
Mucci-Hurlburt is 5' 5 1/2" tall and weighs 152 pounds -- by society's standards she's heavy. However, she can slip into a size 8 thanks to the fact that most of her weight is muscle. "It doesn't matter what the scale says, it matters how I look," she says.

67. Reject others standards.  
"Thin is whatever you think thin is. Next to Roseanne Barr, I'm thin. Next to Twiggy, I'm fat," says Mazda.

Get Back on Track 

68. Stop being a perfectionist.  
"Look at it like walking a tightrope," suggests Revitt. "The goal is not just to stay on without falling off. The goal is to get to the other side, and if you know that you can fall off as many times as you want as long as you get back up again, you're gonna be successful."

69. Start fresh, ASAP.  
If you have a slip, don't wait until Monday or even tomorrow to get back in line. Revitt uses water as a cleansing ritual to end a binge. When she realizes what's happening, she drinks a water to signal that the eating is over, and she's back on track immediately. "It's made my lapses shorter and shorter," she says.

70. Practice early detection.  
"I weigh myself about once a month," says Reed. "If I start inching up, I increase my exercise a little bit." 

71. Enlist professional help.  
Many of the people we talked to used dietitians, personal trainers, and even psychologists to help them deal with problems that were hindering their efforts. If you feel like you can't do it on your own, seek help.

Obi Obadike

I've graced more than 20 magazine covers over the past three years, and I'm the current WBFF Pro Male Fitness Model World Champion. My nickname says it all: 'The World's Most Ripped Fitness Model.'

by Obi Obadike
Jul 13, 2011
Ask The Ripped Dude: How Do You Maintain A Fitness-Type Physique?
Q: How does a fitness model like you avoid gaining bodybuilder-type size? Do you train and diet a certain way to achieve that shredded look?

Obi: There was a time where I thought bigger was better. I weighed 245, a 50-spot heavier than I am today. No wonder--I consumed 5,000-plus calories a day and avoided cardio like vampires shy away from garlic and sunlight.

After about two years, it finally dawned on me: I wasn't happy with the body I was creating. So I slashed my caloric intake in half and made other changes to help me achieve a more fitness-oriented physique.

The difference between a fitness model's physique and bodybuilder's is that a fitness model is slightly smaller and lean year round, with body-fat levels of 4 to 8 percent. A fitness model trains and eats to maintain that lean look. No "offseason" allowed. We're always in shape because we don't have the luxury of being out of shape. After all, we can receive a call at any day or any time of the week for a paid fitness booking. In contrast, a bodybuilder is typically in tip-top shape only near a competition, with body-fat levels hovering at 12 to 15 percent in the offseason. A bodybuilder typically trains for size in the offseason and then cuts down and leans out for a competition.
If you're trying to maintain a lean physique, here's what I recommend:

  • Consume no more than 2,500 calories a day, which should shake out to 10 to 12 calories per pound of body weight a day.

  • Follow a high-protein (50 percent of total calories), low-carb (30 percent), and low-fat (20 percent) diet.

  • Do cardio 3 times a week, consisting of 20 to 25 minutes of high-intensity interval training. Use sprints, hill work, stadium steps, the treadmill-whatever pumps up your heart rate as required.

  • Weight train at least 4 times a week, emphasizing techniques such as super-setting and circuit training. Your reps should fall between 10 and 15 per set. When doing supersets, you'll rest only minimally as you move from one exercise to the next. In general, rest only as needed, and seldom for more than 30 to 45 seconds.

Once you pick a diet and training routine that works toward the goal of looking a fitness model, your body will acclimate to the program. Over time, your body will indeed change into that of a lean fitness-model physique.

Just look at mine!

Double Your Arm Firepower

You know that someone made an impact on the field of their choice when people are studying your training methods and thought processes over three decades after you were active. Arnold Schwarzenegger is someone who obviously did just that.
By: Roger Lockridge

Double Your Arm Firepower With Superset Training

You know that someone made an impact on the field of their choice when people are studying your training methods and thought processes over three decades after you were active. Arnold Schwarzenegger is someone who obviously did just that. Arnold trained and competed from the early 1960's until 1975 and also came out of retirement once in 1980.

Now in 2010, people are still asking questions about him and magazines around the world are still covering his workouts. That is making an impact.

One of the most popular aspects of Arnold's bodybuilding career that gets talked about is how he built his enormous biceps and triceps.

One Of The Most Popular Aspects Of Arnold's Bodybuilding Career That Gets Talked About Is How He Built His Enormous Biceps And Triceps.
Although he incorporated many tips and tricks over the years, two of his most successful strategies were visualization and supersets. He would visualize his biceps as mountains and with each rep they grew bigger and bigger.

He also trained biceps and triceps back to back without rest so his pump would be even greater and his arms would grow that much more. I was no different than the millions of bodybuilding fans that studied all of Arnold's articles, videos, and books that covered all the ways he succeeded in the gym.

When I first started training, I studied anything I could grab that had his name on it and implemented it immediately. As I grew and got stronger I added things into my own routine that I figured out on my own to make my biceps and triceps bigger and better.

Super set And Watch Them Grow
One thing I always had to keep in mind was that time was important. Although I wanted to make sure I fatigued the arms properly, I had to do it quickly because there was a lot going on in my day. I made it a point to do supersets so rest time was cut short.

I also made sure I could perform the exercises in the same part of the gym so I wasn't wasting time going back and forth in the gym. That took time and allowed my muscles to rest which I didn't want.

Another goal I had when I was training arms was I wanted to implement as many different ways to hit the biceps and triceps as possible. That meant using barbells, dumbbells, and machines or cables every time I trained. They each had their advantages and if my arms were going to get big, I had to have as many advantages as possible.

I started with barbells followed by dumbbells, and then finished up with cables or machines. I also wanted to mix up the rep ranges so my muscles wouldn't adapt. I would go as low as 6 and as many as 25 reps throughout the workout.

Before you begin, make sure you warm up properly by doing some light cardio for about ten minutes to get your body warm and ready to go. Also do some curls with light dumbbells and push- ups to make sure you are ready to go.

Do Some Curls With Light Dumbbells And Push-ups 
To Make Sure You Are Ready To Go.

Barbell Superset - Barbell Curl And Close Grip Bench Press
When it comes to packing on size and gaining strength in the arms nothing beats barbell curls and close grip bench presses. Since these were what I started with and both arms were working together also, this meant I could use more weight. I wanted to hit them heavy starting out so I did four supersets of six reps for each.

I would place a barbell in front of the bench and use it for the curls followed by lying back on the bench and using a second barbell for the close grip presses.

Barbell Curl

I felt my biceps were weaker so I started with the curls when I was fresh. If you feel your triceps are weaker you should start with the presses. I would rest for 90 seconds in between each superset so I had ample time to recover yet also stay warm.

Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press

Dumbbell Superset - Lying Tricep Extensions And Hammer Curls
I knew from all the studying I had done that using dumbbells stimulated and isolated the muscles better so I incorporated those second. Something else I did on my own was alternate which muscle I started with on each group of supersets.

Since I started with biceps with the first group of exercises I started with triceps this time. I would place two sets of dumbbells with me at my bench so no one would take them when I needed them.

Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extension

I started with the lying dumbbell extensions and as soon as I was finished I stood up and used the other dumbbells for my hammer curls.

I preferred hammers because it hit the biceps from a different angle than the barbell curls. For this group of exercises I wanted to lift heavy, but knowing I had already went through the first superset, was concerned about cheating so I went with four sets of 10 reps on this group.

Hammer Curls

However to keep the intensity high I cut my rest time in between supersets from 90 seconds to 60. It is at this point I felt my pump grow the most.

Cables Superset - Cable Bar Curls And Rope Pressdowns
At this point I want to finish this workout off right and leave the gym with people staring at me in disbelief. I want my pump to be as big as possible. This is when I add in the cables to my superset routine.

With cables, there is less chance of injury which was great after all the weight I had just lifted and I could isolate the muscles even better than with the dumbbells.

Standing Biceps Cable Curl

I would go with the angled bar attachment for the cable curls and the rope for the pressdowns. The best part of this superset was I could turn around and be right at the next station so there was virtually no time to rest in between the two exercises. Since I started with the tris on the last group, I start with bis once again this time.

Because of the fact I want to lock that pump in so it stays with me long after I leave the gym, I do three things. I do slow negatives, I also go up to 25 reps for each movement, and finally, since I need to be out of the gym soon, I only rest for 30 seconds in between supersets. That means catch your breath, sip some water, and go.

Triceps Pushdown - Rope Attachment

Four rounds on this group ensure that the arms are jacked and you know beyond a shadow of a doubt you trained as hard as possible for that day.

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